jeudi 25 octobre 2012



Facebook link : Moonking 

The interview :

How and when was Moon King formed? I know you were once in another  band . What happened there?

Yes , I had another band called spiral beach with my brother (who now plays as Doldrums), maddy (who is in Moon King with me), and Dorian (who is in Austra now) ---- we were literally on an airplane to go on tour in europe together when me and my brother started talking about ideas for what to do with my new songs ---- originally we wanted to have an imaginary Japanese singer named Miyu, so it would be "Miyu and the Moon" or "Miyu and the Moon King". We had already decided that we would break up after that europe tour, so we were planning our next move!

Can you tell us what the band has been working on and what you've got forthcoming in the near future (new releases, tour, etc)?

We've been touring around in the US and Canada a little bit the last couple of months, and working out the new 4-piece band with a keyboard player and a drummer...... we are gonna do some shows in New York next, and then go down to Texas and back. then I'm gonna record another EP, probably called "Obsession II"

What artists (musicians or otherwise) have most influenced your work?

Well my friends inspire me all the time of course, people like Sean Nicholas Savage, or my brother Airick, or Mike from Fucked Up ..... also "people artists" like Sebastian Cowan, who I feel their work is defined by the people around them, not necessarily by a piece of art or music that they create..... but if you mean artists that I listened to growing up, I think Bjork or Neil Young or the Ramones or Nirvana or the Cocteau Twins have all had a big impact on the Moon King songs.....

What songs are the most personal to you?

Most of the songs are pretty dark, like I don't think I'm a very dark person but the lyrics really show that kind of side of me....... "the Fear of Love" is pretty revealing of course, and there are a lot of songs that haven't been released yet that are really raw. I feel weird putting the lyrics on the internet for people to read, but I want people to know I really mean what I'm singing.

Can you tell us a little about the band’s song writing process?

I usually think of melodies when I'm walking around outside -- in fact, pacing back and forth is the way I work on everything. maybe it helps the oxygen flow to the brain?? Anyway, once I have a melody I'll record it on my little dictaphone thing, then when I get home I'll figure out chords underneath it. Usually I'll start singing nothing instead of lyrics, like just gibberish, even when we play the song live ..... then after a while I sit down and make words out of the gibberish, and figure out  who the song is about. There's always a character for each song, and usually it's me, but sometimes I'll write about other people.

How do you feel about the state of the music industry today? There is no doubt a massive change underway; how do you see it and do you feel it’s positive?

I think it's great, like we are in the Mad Max era of music..... a wilderness where we all get to ride in cool cars.

What is your philosophy (on life) ?

ha! just listen to Sly & the Family Stone.

European tour?

YES -- next year!

dimanche 30 septembre 2012


Rush Midnight, better known as Russell Manning of Twin Shadow, is lifting the veil of persona for his first solo record !

Facebook link : Rush Midnight

The interview 

You’ve made an utterly amazing EP; can you give us a bit of
background about yourself and how you got this point to your life?

I was raised in Brooklyn, NY and returned to NY after college. I've
been writing songs since high school, but only recently put in 100%.
Having played bass in dozens of bands since I first started, it feels
right to play bass and sing. 

So has making this record been a cathartic experience for you?

When most of your time is spent traveling in a group it can be
difficult to find privacy. When I found time alone on tour I began
working on Rush Midnight…Before I knew it I had 20 songs and my DJ
friends began asking me for the recordings.

How did you choose the name Rush Midnight? I think it suits the music well

Music is an escape, and my songs help me enter an alternate world. My
initials are RM, I'm a night owl and I decided Rush Midnight was the
best name for my alter ego.

So where did you record the album? 

 I recorded parts in Brooklyn, Los Angeles, Berlin, Sao Paolo and London.

How much intention do you have when writing songs? Do you really set
out with subjects in mind?

Usually the subject will arrive once I have a progression and a
melody. I like imagining a location, such as a beach or hotel room or
disco, that later inspires both my lyrics and instrumentals.

How does the rest of the band feel about your side projects?

I've been sending George Lewis Jr. demos since I joined the band in
2010. He's been supportive from the beginning and among other people,
he inspired me to release this music

 How has Twin Shadow  influenced you? How your time spent touring
the world with them has found its way into the music?

With Twin Shadow I've been able see cities I've dreamt of. A new
place might inspire a me to write a song, even if I'm there for 1
night. I'll write songs based on people I meet, or places I fall for.

George produced some of your songs,what did he bring to the music?

George's production techniques definitely complement mine…. He knows
how to embellish the hook/chorus of a song so that the listener knows
its the chorus even the first time it hits.

With the LP finished, what happens next for you?

I'm currently finishing my upcoming LP and booking the U.S. and Canada
tour dates. We'll come play in Europe in 2013. You'll hear us on the
radio soon.



lundi 30 avril 2012


Rowan Martin interview

For the folks who peruse my blog who have not heard of you, what is your name, where are you from, and how would best describe your music  style?

My name is Rowan Martin. I am from deep, deep west London.I make pop music.

When did you first start getting into music?

I have been  writing songs since I was fourteen. One of my first ones was called “Maria is a keyboard player”. It had my little sister doing backing vocals on it. It’s probably out there somewhere , in the deep web.

How would you describe your process of putting a tune together?

I don’t know much about technology so it’s very old-fashioned. Piano, guitar, Dictaphone. I often save lyrics in the drafts section  of my phone.

What do you enjoy more: Making music or playing music, and why?

I enjoy  them equally I suppose.
I haven’t started playing live yet so the making has been a priority. Last time I did a gig I played in a white suit, it was pretty religious.

As a music listener, what 3 artists have influenced you the most?

That’s tough. Steely Dan would have to be the band. R Kelly would have to be the man. Chaka Khan would have to be the woman.

Why does your music arouse such wanton sexual impulses in the audience?

The bass.

What can we expect if we come to see one of your gigs?

I'll be wearing a Sergio Tacchini tracksuit , there will be a lot of bad language. Loads of dancing and guitars solos and shout-outs.

What have you got lined up for the future?

More songs, more videos. I don't want to give too much away but the next song features  some wind chimes..

vendredi 17 février 2012


Click to play all audio posts
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Millionyoung Interview

How would you describe Million Young to those yet to be hear your music?
It's feel-good electronic music, with a lot of organic elements scattered through out. There's a lot of nostalgia in it for sure.

Which era or decade would you say has inspired your music the most ?

Well, I really enjoy all music from the twenty-first century. Primarily the last half; psych-rock from the 60s, funk from the 70s, and New Wave from the 80s, and 90s hip-hop. I won't shy away from using a few jazz chords here and there either, and I've even done some renditions of Erik Satie's work from the late 1800s. I don't think of my music as being from an era, it's from now.

What is about electronic music that appeals to you ?
I love being able to mold sound into different shapes. Organic instruments are beautiful, but I like taking those sounds a step further by manipulating and bending them into something entirely new.

Is there a visual component involved in the creation of your music ?
I've always loved film scores, and there's usually some sort of cinematic element to my music. It isn't usually in a narrative sort of way, but in a more abstract sense. For me, I really feel the shapes that different sounds have, almost as if they can be touched and felt physically. I like to play a lot with texture and space in my music.

How do you normally work on songs? What are the steps/processes?

Usually I'll start with something percussive or rhythmic, just something that captures the mood I'm in at the time. From there it really becomes a lot of trial and error. I'll throw some chords then I'll sing some nonsense till a melody comes together. I'm not classically trained, so most of my music comes from a feeling rather than a method. I do have the utmost respect for people who take a more structured approach; I'd like to do that one day.

Can you talk a bit about the song “Cynthia”? There is a story behind it?

With most of my music, I'll write the words over a long period of time. That usually leads to a single song being about 10 different  things, different moments in my life that connect in some way. Cynthia is about all those moments near the beginning of a relationship, the constant back and forth of wondering if the other person reciprocates your feelings. It's a song about mixed signals and learning to just enjoy the high points when they come.

When did things (musically) really start picking up for you? Was it after a particular show?
I actually didn't really tour or play out of state till after I had gained some momentum. It's crazy how much power the internet has in shaping people's lives and letting people like me pursue something like this. I had been playing music for years, but it was in the spring of 2009 that I really noticed some changes after I put an EP on my Tumblr account.

What is your favorite chill wave artist right now? Have you worked with them in the past?
I've been fortunate enough to do shows with a lot of bands I like. It was great to go on the road with Jameson from Teen Daze, and I still keep in touch with Ernest from Washed Out. It's cool to have so much in common with people from such different parts of the world.

You’re also doing remixes – how do you choose which songs you like to remix ?
Most of the remixes I do are just a labor of love. It's a fun way to work with friends I've met on the road and done shows with. I just put out a collection of all the remixes I've done to date.

What can we expect from a Million Young live performance?
The live show is something that's constantly evolved. At first it was really simple, just me singing while playing guitar and messing with a midi controller. Now sometimes I'll play with a live band, still doing vocals/guitar/keyboard, but when the guys can't come on the road, I'll do a big multi-instrumental solo set where I'll be surrounded by a little bit of everything. The solo shows are as fun as they are exhausting, with me rotating from singing, to guitar, to one or two synths at the same time, to a drums, and any combination of those. I'll usually tailor the set list to fit the venue, with clubs being more focused around my dance music, and traditional rock venues being more my about my psychedelic or experimental pieces.

European tour?
I did a short 3 week tour of Europe last summer and I've wanted to go back everyday since. I love being home, I just wish it was easier to travel back and forth between here and there, hahaha. Hopefully I'll be able to pay another visit after I release my next album this summer.
Millionyoung Interview

mercredi 8 février 2012


RIMAR’s music tucks in-between and borrows from a multitude of genres, including new wave, electronic, and pop !  If you love chillwavefunky music this is made for you !

RIMAR's interview

So what goes on in a typical day of Rimar?

I spend a lot of my time trying to make new music, working, spending time with friends & watching films and documentaries.

When did you start making any kind of music?

I first started experimenting with music in high school. A friend introduced me to djing. I branched off that, attempting to make my own mixes and remixes - which eventually led to me playing around on free beat making software. I made beats for local rappers and singers.

How do you go about writing songs? What sort of set up do you have for recording/producing?

There's no definitive way to how I make my music. It manifests itself in many ways. Sometimes a song sample will cue me in on an idea. Other times I begin by playing different melodies or designing different sounds.

Have you always written songs like this?

My music always changes. It's consistently a product of the moment - of how I feel and based off what kind of visual and musical influences I'm into at the time. My newest effort sounds similar, but very contextually different that my first ep, Higher Ground. And the project before was strictly hip hop instrumentals.

It’s evident you’ve got a love for R&B and Hip Hop. Which Hip Hop artists have influenced your

A lot of the mainstream, radio artist sculpted the way my music sounds. Kanye, Usher, Nas, R. Kelly, Alicia name a few.

You’ve been termed as ‘chillwave’, how do you feel about it? Do you feel that you are a ‘chillwave’

It's a lovely comparison, I suppose - since so many people do feel a certain way about chillwave. It's interesting to see people trying to define music into genres and subgenres.

If you collaborate with anyone, who would it be?
There's a lot of musicians I've became friends with online. I'd love to finally find time to collaborate with them... Smoke Room, Ra Cailum. They're both immensely talented.

Future plans?

I'd just like to release more music.

dimanche 8 janvier 2012


Californian band Craft Spells make sparky, fresh-faced guitar pop of the sort that’s always going to be perking people up !

Caft Spell's interview

 The album is amazing, congratulations. Can you tell me a bit about when and how you recorded it?
It was recorded in California at my parent’s house during the winter of 2009. I didn’t own any instruments at that time. I borrowed most of the equipment from my friends and did all the recordings out of my bedroom only using a shitty shure mic, squire guitar/bass and a laptop. 

Had you been writing it as whole for a while or was it all just pieced together from a collection of songs you had?

I started to understand the aesthetic 
of my writing after recording the 2nd song. It just flowed. Song after song I started to finally find myself as a songwriter.  After 2 months I had the blueprint of what would be the LP.

 "After the moment" is one of my favourite cuts from the album, when you released it did you expect the reaction to be so strong to it?

Thank you!
After I wrote the song I burnt it on a mix CD to play in my car to hear it on something else other than a macbook /earbuds. Played it for my dad when I had to pick him up from the airport. He said he loved it. That’s good enough for me.

How did Craft Spells come about?

It was a Post college/Fuck my job/Back home with parents/women are terrible kind of situations.

What would you describe as your biggest influences, both musical and otherwise?

Brian Wilson of the beach boys.

How has touring been for you?

Touring has been great! I went from never leaving the state to traveling all over the world. Shit is hella crazy.

 Any particular great audience while touring?
Stockholm was my favorite-hands down. They truly understand pop music with a passion.

Finally, would you be able to name your top three albums of all time?

Not my top but these are pretty high up there:

Beach Boys- "Smile", Miles Davis- "Kind of Blue", My Bloody Valentine- " Loveless"

 What was the craziest thing that happen to you on stage?
During the encore someone stole my favorite hat off the stage after it falling off my head.


Thank you!